Craft to Crumb has partnered with the Retail Bakers of America (RBA) to launch the CMB Study Hall Series, exclusive video tutorials sponsored by Puratos, Hobart, MIWE and Rondo. The tutorials will focus on key elements of RBA’s Certified Master Baker practical exam.
The videos provide bakers with effective preparation tools as they study for the practical exam, which is offered to qualified candidates through RBA multiple times a year in various regions of the US.
CMB Study Hall: Baguettes, Croissants & Cakes now live
Baguettes, Croissants & Cakes of the CMB Study Hall series, are now available on the Craft to Crumb website.
In each episode, Lee Ann Adams, CMB, & Chris Teixeira, CMB demonstrate different phases of production
The CMB Study Hall videos provide bakers with effective preparation tools as they study for the Retail Bakers of America’s (RBA) Certified Master Baker practical exam, which is offered to qualified candidates three to four times a year. The next exam is set for late October.
The series was created by Craft to Crumb and RBA and sponsored by Puratos, Hobart, MIWE and Rondo.
COMING SOON: Cookies & Creaming Method